Can YOU do absolutely EVERYTHING?

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Juggling the Work

By that I mean it in two separate meanings.

Do you have the SKILLS and do you have the TIME?

Yes, you could Learn how to create really great looking websites.
Sites which will definitely pull in those potential customers.
Yes, you could write endless pages of advertising copy which act like a magnet for buyers.

At the same time, can you also edit videos which grab attention and go viral within hours of you uploading them?

How are your graphics skills?

Are you Real Pro on all the platforms and always in demand for your almost magical touch?

Does this translate into a $1,000 per hour income stream for every hour that you are working?
But … there are still only 24 hours in any day. (At least here on Earth) So, how can you maximise those abilities and your real expertise?

Think of your day as many large blocks of time with the blocks divided by natural interruptions. This is where you need to have control.
Try to keep your blocks whole. Schedule appointments and meetings, or errands at the beginning or end of a block.
This works much better than in the middle. Having an appointment in the middle of a block leaves little time at either end to tackle a major piece of work.
Keeping your blocks of time as big as possible gives you a feeling of having more time available.

Then, as you look at the vital tasks, ask yourself, “I am able to delegate the tasks that I cannot – or should not – be doing?

This where that “D” word comes in.


Delegating means assigning the responsibility for a task to somebody else. That signifies not only do you no longer have to do the task, you do not have to remind somebody else to do it. Yes, it’s THEIR job.

Being able to delegate some tasks is a way of freeing up some of your time for the jobs that ONLY YOU are able to do. As somebody else learns to do a job, do NOT be tempted to take over – even if they are not doing it “quite right”.

You have to learn that “Done” may be “Good enough.”
Remember that you have a deadline.
A Finished Job may be far more cost effective than one which is still waiting to achieve Perfection!

Purchasing Time

There’s an intimate relationship between time and money. One can often be substituted for the other. The more hectic your schedule, the more reasonable it is to buy time by selecting goods and services. These then save you from investing time.
Paying somebody to mow your garden, or clean the windows?
Maybe to transport your kids to sports practice?
These are examples of purchasing time.

Obviously, what you do with that time may vary. Are you “getting on with business” or “chilling out” ? What you have done is you have BOUGHT TIME.
Every one of your hours has a value.

As a business person that is based on how much you can earn in the hour. I will leave that calculation down to you but let’s hypothesise and round it to only $50. So, if what you are doing could be done by someone else, just as, or almost as, well as you (or even better?) but it will only cost you $20 to hire them for the hour.
If it still equates to “your” hour, and advances your business by the same amount, then that is a $30 profit.
It freed you to be off doing what you do best.

Gain some time

What are some of the extra ways you are able to effectively gain some time?

People have a peak time of day when their energy is at its highest and concentration at its best. Determine which time of day is YOUR peak performance time and plan your work accordingly. Keep meetings and routine tasks for other parts of the day, when you have the choice.
What part of the day is best for you to do a task that takes real concentration?

Not being able to delegate can also lead to that other big struggle – Procrastination.


Because a main cause of procrastination is a task can seem too overwhelming to even begin.
OK. You recognize that you are procrastinating.
Learn to break down a large task into manageable pieces and then begin with a piece you know you can handle.

The most challenging step on major undertakings is often the first one.
You will then have a greater sense of satisfaction as you complete each individual part of the task.
This can keep you motivated to the end.

Think of a major task you have ahead of you.
Then think: “How could I break it down into manageable pieces?
The next step is to begin overcoming this time-wasting habit. In addition, procrastination is a habit. An habitual way of dealing with tasks you find distasteful or that make you fearful of failure. (Sorry but re-arranging the folders on your computer is not something you HAVE to do today ☺)

If you are procrastinating, make an appointment with yourself.
Determine exactly what that first step will be.
Then set a Specific Time, today, to begin the work.
Take that first step toward completing the task.

ONLY the jobs you are BEST at

That’s where being able to delegate comes in.

You do ONLY the jobs you are BEST at and leave the rest to other, more skilled people. Yes, you do have to admit to yourself that there are other people* who are better at those jobs than you are. Once you do that you are more than half-way there.

Now, what is stopping YOU from grabbing those extra minutes and hours in your day?
The only answer is, you! So get out of your way and start accomplishing MORE by doing LESS!

* Just look at Fivver and UpWork, as two examples, to see the levels of skills available.