Internet Marketing

How to Instantly Reduce Your Customer Service Queries

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It doesn’t matter if you’re selling a $7 product or a $7,000 product – you’re going to get queries from customers asking you how to do something.

For example, if you’re in the make money online niche, people are going to ask you how to set up a website, or set up an autoresponder, or add a plugin to their site, or whatever.

And maybe 20 years ago or more, this was understandable.

But today we have two things called…


And anything you, I or your customers want to know how to do is found by doing a quick search on either one of these sites.

The problem is, people either forget they can do a search, or they’re lazy, or… well, I don’t know why they don’t go straight to Google or Youtube for answers, but the fact is they don’t.

So here’s what I do:

At the beginning of EVERY product I put out, I write something like this:

“While I have tried to cover everything you need to know to do XYZ, the fact is there might be a gap or two in your current knowledge that isn’t covered in this report/video/course.

If you find you need to learn how to do something – for example, set up a WordPress site – then I urge you be a self-starter and search Google or YouTube for answers.

YouTube is especially helpful, since you’ll likely find several videos that show you step by step how to do that thing that is perplexing you.

And this way you’ll get your answer immediately.

If that fails, you are of course welcome to fill out a help request and we will get back to you within 48 hours with an answer.

But remember, Google and YouTube are often your best source for getting a quick answer to any pesky little question that might pop up along the way.

And by the way, I’ve found that folks who immediately search out their own answer rather than getting derailed by tiny obstacles are twice as likely to succeed.”

Word this however you want.

I’ve found that my service requests have been cut in HALF by inserting this type of language into my products. And I suspect my buyers are happier, since they are finding answers to their questions right away, rather than having to wait.

And by the way, I often answer generic questions such as, “How do I install WordPress” by sending them to a YouTube video, which again saves me the time of having to explain the process.