Let’s build a better tomorrow by building a better foundation of our past.
Now that’s a great sentence!
Quoted from a book by William Dudley called: “How Buildings Learn“.
It explains the principles of how anything can learn from experiences.
It suggests that this can be used to correct the past and help the future.
The environment is not just Climate and Land – it is people and communities too.
As far as the past is concerned, the future is already here, and it is exciting.
The web is one vast, loosely linked community. It is a place for us to share personal experiences and those we’ve had with others. It allows us to be a community and have conversations about those experiences.
It’s a very powerful concept that many are, not yet, fully aware of – but will be because of the ease of access to the web.
So there is a very diverse network of people in the web, all sharing experiences.
Now, because of this powerful concept, you have the ability to make someone feel like a rock star.
Do it by sharing a story, pictures, or a video. It is like having friends over to enjoy the experience.
In a sense you can also share a whole life story on the web.
This can be inspirational, especially if told well.
Oddly, it can still be inspirational even if not told well.
The telling itself does not have to be perfect.
A video can be a representation, of the person or the life, if you want to share that story.
Even if the video you share is not perfect, it can still be a great motivational tool.
There’s a saying which I like, even if it is not too serious:
“If I can’t be a great inspiration at least I can act as a warning to others.“
From the act of sharing a life experience more people learn from it. Also, remember, each life is unique. So, when sharing a life story video you might like to add those details into it to make it personal.
How? That is a topic for another article.
Sharing experiences has thus become an essential aspect of the web.
If we want the web to be more than a collection of random photographs of family, friends and pets, they need context. By sharing our experiences those experiences will then become the norm.
Others can learn from those experiences. They become part of a “Mass Memory“.
Ideally, allowing everyone to learn from the past so, hopefully, helping to build a better future.
What do you want the web to be in your lifetime?

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