How Even Clueless Newcomers Can Build 6-figure Online Businesses

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I once heard motivational speaker Les Brown tell the story of two little boys on the ice.

Joey and Duane were all alone when Joey ventured too near the thin ice and fell through. The current took him underneath the solid ice, making it impossible for Duane to grab his friend and pull him out.

Duane could see Joey struggling under the thick ice, so he grabbed a broken branch and started pounding on the ice to break it and pull his friend out.

A passerby saw what was happening and called the fire department.

Duane broke the ice, pulled Joey to safety and the firemen found them on the bank, cold but alive.

When Duane told the firemen what happened, they were astonished. The ice where Duane pulled out Joey was 3 inches solid, and the branch was only a measly little stick.

The firemen took turns trying to break the ice with that little stick, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t do it.

Finally, one of them turned to the Captain and asked, “If we can’t break this thick ice with this tiny little stick, how was the boy able to do it?”

To which the captain replied, “He was able to do it because no one told him he couldn’t do it.”

Now let me ask you this… who is telling you that you can’t start a six-figure business online?

Maybe it’s your spouse, or your father’s voice, or maybe it’s even you.

The funny thing is, I know for an indisputable fact that you can do it, and here’s how I know you can…


The Three Secret Weapons Six-Figure Earners Share

Time and time again I’ve seen seemingly ordinary people build a six-figure or even a multimillion-dollar business in just a few years.

Now you might think they must have some special skill or talent or connections that’s making them successful.

Well guess what… it’s probably not what you think.

They’re not super smart.

They’re not super connected.

They don’t have an ‘inside track’.

Heck, they have the same trouble getting up in the morning that the rest of us have.

But they do have three skills that anyone can learn…

Very special skills that allow them to move traffic at will, convince people to buy and even get referrals, joint ventures and more.

Can you guess what those skills might be?

It’s marketing.

Marketing, marketing and marketing.

Yup. I know I said three skills, but it’s one skill that’s so very important, I thought I would say it three times.

There is no magic; only strategy.

Many – or more likely, most – successful solopreneurs aren’t necessarily the most talented or knowledgeable from the start. There weren’t the straight ‘A’ students. They weren’t born with silver spoons, wealth, and inside track or any other remarkable asset.

What sets them apart is they believe they can do it. And believing they could, they did.

No matter what you want to accomplish online, if you learn marketing, then you can get it done. And it doesn’t need to take forever, either.

In fact, you can learn the essential marketing skills in just 20 hours (or even less) and start attracting opportunities.


The Josh Kaufman Shortcut

Drawing inspiration from Josh Kaufman’s TED Talk, you can embrace the idea that you don’t need to become a marketing guru to be effective. By focusing on the core components, you can unlock dramatic improvements in a short timeframe.

Think of it like this:

If you were to learn basic grammar and vocabulary, then you could hold basic conversations in a new language.

If you were to master guitar chords and music theory, then you could impress friends with your playing skills.

If you can grasp the core principles of marketing, then you can generate buzz and attract opportunities.

Successful marketing isn’t about having a massive budget or a team of marketing gurus. It’s about acquiring a core set of skills that anyone can learn.


Marketing for Solopreneurs – Not Hype, But Essential Skills

Forget about flashy gimmicks or inauthentic self-promotion. Successful marketing is about mastering the fundamentals of building a powerful online presence. If you can master these marketing must-haves, then you can build a multi-million-dollar business:

  • Attention-Grabbing Content – Learn to create content that stops the scroll and keeps people engaged across any platform.
  • The Power of Psychology – Understand how to gently nudge your audience towards taking action, without feeling manipulative.
  • Audience Targeting – Discover who your ideal customer is and tailor your message to resonate with their specific needs.
  • Building Trust – Become the go-to source of information, someone your audience trusts more than anyone else (even their mom.).
  • Navigating Algorithms – Stop fearing platform updates and learn how to leverage them to accelerate your growth.
  • The Art of the Sale – Master the skill of ethically selling and use it to promote valuable products or services that truly make a difference.

The road to your own business success isn’t paved with comfort, but with strategic self-promotion.  To become successful online and begin earning 6 or even 7 figures, it’s time to take control of every aspect of your marketing.

Think of your business as having two parts – part one is your niche, whether that’s gardening, investing, entertaining or whatever suits your fancy. It’s what your content is going to be all about.

And part two of your business is marketing. Once you get good at marketing, you can move into almost any niche where people are making money and build a successful business for yourself.

With that in mind, I’ve created this primer with just the essentials you need to begin building your business.

Plug in any niche you choose, execute these principles and you’ll be well on your way to building the business of your dreams.


The 4 Core Marketing Principles


1: Finding Your Voice – Defining Your Brand and What It Stands For

In today’s crowded marketplace, having a strong brand identity is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity. But what exactly is a brand identity, and how do you go about defining yours? Here’s a breakdown to help you navigate this crucial step.

What is a Brand Identity?

Your brand identity is the essence of your company, organization, or even yourself (if you’re a personal brand). It’s the story you tell the world, encompassing your values, mission, personality, and the unique experience you offer. It’s not just a logo or a tagline; it’s the feeling your brand evokes in your audience.

Why Define Your Brand?

A well-defined brand identity offers a multitude of benefits:

Clarity and Focus – Knowing what you stand for helps you make informed decisions about everything from marketing campaigns to product development.

Customer Connection – People connect with brands that share their values and resonate with their emotions. A strong brand identity fosters trust and loyalty.

Competitive Advantage – In a sea of sameness, a clear brand identity helps you stand out from the crowd and attract your ideal audience.

How to Define Your Brand Identity

Defining your brand identity is a journey, not a destination. Here are some key steps to get you started:

Know Your Why – Start by delving into your core purpose. What problem are you solving? What impact do you want to make?

Identify Your Values – What principles guide your actions and decisions? What kind of company culture do you want to cultivate?

Define Your Ideal Customer – Who are you trying to reach? Understanding their needs, wants, and aspirations is crucial.

Craft Your Brand Story – How did you come to be? What makes you unique? Tell your story in a way that resonates with your audience.

Develop Your Brand Voice – How do you want to communicate with your audience? Is it playful, professional, authoritative, or something else entirely?

Your brand identity is a living document. As your business evolves, your brand should too. Regularly revisit your core values and mission to ensure your brand continues to reflect who you are and what you stand for.

Have you heard of Patagonia? This outdoor apparel company isn’t afraid to take a stand. Patagonia actively promotes environmental activism, donating a significant portion of their profits to environmental causes and urging customers to “buy less” through their marketing campaigns. Their brand identity is synonymous with environmental responsibility and a love for the outdoors which resonates with a generation of eco-conscious consumers who value companies that align with their values.

Then there’s the Dollar Shave Club, the men’s grooming company that took the shaving industry by storm with their irreverent and humorous branding. Their now-legendary viral video ad features the founder himself, poking fun at traditional razor companies, grabbing attention and establishing their brand personality – bold, affordable, and no-nonsense.

By taking the time to define your brand identity, you create a roadmap for success. You establish a foundation for making strategic decisions, connect with your audience on a deeper level, and ultimately, build a brand that stands the test of time.


2: Finding Your Ideal Audience – The Key to Unlocking Marketing Magic

Tony Robbins famously declared, “success thrives on loving your audience.” But who exactly are these people you should love and connect with?

Identifying your ideal audience isn’t just about demographics; it’s about forging a deep understanding of their aspirations, challenges, and the world they navigate.

Who can you relate to, and who do you love? Odds are it’s people like yourself.

Maybe you’re just learning marketing, so you decide to share your journey along the way and teach others what you learn. If so, then your audience might consist of solopreneurs with a hunger for success and a desire to sell their services or products.

Maybe you’re in love with traveling the globe. If so, then your ideal audience is folks who want to do what you do, seeing the world affordably and finding all those hidden spots that no one else knows about.


Imagine your ideal audience as your tribe – a community you can truly connect with and serve. Here’s why pinpointing this group is crucial:

Targeted Communication – Crafting targeted messages resonates far better than generic marketing blasts. Understanding your audience’s language, interests, and pain points allows you to tailor your content and speak directly to their needs.

Building Relationships – Marketing is ultimately about building relationships. When you understand your audience on a deeper level, you can create content that fosters trust, loyalty, and a sense of community.

Increased Engagement – People are drawn to content that speaks to them. When your message aligns with your audience’s specific interests and challenges, they’re more likely to engage, share, and become brand advocates.

Finding Your Tribe – Going Beyond Demographics

While demographics like age, location, and income can provide a basic framework, truly understanding your audience requires delving deeper.

Psychographics Rule – Move beyond age and gender. Psychographics explore the “why” behind your audience’s behavior. What are their values, aspirations, and interests? Do they crave adventure travel or dream of financial independence? Understanding these deeper motivations allows you to craft content that truly resonates.

Travel Back in Time – Channel your inner time traveler. Consider where you were in your niche journey two years ago. What were the specific struggles you faced? What kind of content would have been invaluable to you then? By targeting your “past self,” you can identify the needs and challenges your ideal audience is likely facing right now.

Passion is the Fuel – Marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. Does your ideal audience ignite your passion? Genuine enthusiasm for the people you serve translates into more engaging content and a stronger connection with your tribe. When you’re excited about the problems you solve and the lives you impact, your audience will feel it too.

The Plant Whisperer recognized a growing trend of urban dwellers wanting to incorporate greenery into their lives but lacking the knowledge or confidence to care for plants properly. They created informative blog posts and engaging videos on various social media platforms offering practical tips on plant care, specifically geared towards beginners. They also offered customized plant care packages, catering to busy professionals who appreciate the convenience.

Brilliant, and online learning platform for math, offers a gamified learning experience with interactive bite-sized lessons, challenges, and rewards. Their marketing materials highlight the frustration many people have with traditional math education and position themselves as a solution that makes learning math enjoyable and accessible. They target different age groups with tailored content and messaging, appealing to students, parents seeking supplemental learning tools for their children, and even adults wanting to refresh their math skills.

Identifying your ideal audience is an ongoing conversation. As you interact with your audience, gather feedback, and analyze data, your understanding will evolve. By continuously refining your understanding of your tribe, you can unlock the key to creating impactful marketing that resonates, converts, and fuels long-term success.


3: Only The Good Stuff – Forging Captivating Content Your Audience Craves

Great content isn’t magic; it’s a potent blend of strategic planning, captivating storytelling, and a deep understanding of your audience. It’s the bridge that connects you to your ideal customers, fosters trust, and ultimately fuels your marketing success.

But how do you consistently create content that transcends the mundane and truly captivates your audience?

Structure: The Foundation of Captivation

Just like a well-built house needs a strong foundation, compelling content thrives on a solid structure. Finding a format that works for you and your audience is crucial for maintaining consistency and focus. Here’s a breakdown of a common blog post structure you can adapt and personalize:

Hook ‘Em Early – Craft an attention-grabbing headline that sparks curiosity and promises value. Think of it as a movie trailer – it should entice viewers to delve deeper.

Set the Stage – Write a clear and concise introduction that establishes the topic, piques interest, and provides context for your audience.

Break it Down – Chunk your content into digestible sections with clear headings. Keep paragraphs and sentences short and focused to maintain readability.

Visual Appeal – Incorporate high-quality images, infographics, or videos to break up text and enhance understanding. Visuals can also add emotional impact and improve audience engagement.

The Emotional Connection – Facts and figures are important, but don’t underestimate the power of emotion. Infuse your content with elements that evoke specific emotions – humor, inspiration, or a sense of community – to create a deeper connection with your readers. Analyze content that has made you feel something strong – what techniques did they use? Can you incorporate similar elements into your writing?

A Memorable Conclusion – Wrap up your content with a strong conclusion that summarizes key points and leaves a lasting impression.

Creating Captivating Headlines

Research shows headlines can significantly influence traffic, with compelling titles boosting click-through rates by a staggering 500%. Here are some tips for crafting headlines that grab attention:

Clarity is King – Keep your headline clear and concise, accurately reflecting the content’s core message.

Promise Value – Let your audience know what they’ll gain by reading your content. Will they learn something new? Solve a problem? Be entertained? Highlight the benefit in your headline.

Spark Curiosity – A touch of intrigue can go a long way. Pose a question, use unexpected phrasing, or tease a surprising fact to pique reader interest.

Experimentation is Key

The perfect content formula doesn’t exist. The best approach is to choose a structure you find comfortable, experiment with different formats, and analyze what resonates most with your audience. Continuously track your results, gather feedback, and refine your approach over time.

Death Wish Coffee embraces a bold and unconventional brand identity. Their blog, aptly named “The Grind,” features humorous articles and quirky coffee-related content that entertains and resonates with their target audience of coffee enthusiasts seeking an extra kick. They use self-deprecating humor and a touch of the absurd, creating a brand personality that feels genuine and relatable.

The Financial Diet, an online financial education platform, tackles complex financial topics with a lighthearted and approachable tone. Their website features informative articles on saving, budgeting, investing, and navigating student loan debt. They also leverage social media like Instagram and TikTok to create engaging content, including financial memes and infographics, that resonate with their target audience’s desire to learn in a fun and interactive way.

Remember, captivating content isn’t just about informing; it’s about connecting with your audience on a deeper level. By combining structure, powerful headlines, and the strategic use of emotion, you can forge content that stands out in the crowded online landscape and propels your marketing efforts forward.

4: The Power of Distribution – Fueling Your Online Business Growth

Simply creating great content isn’t enough. The key to building a thriving online business lies in distribution, the strategic act of getting your content in front of the right audience at the right time. Think of it as building a bridge between your valuable content and the people who need it most. Here’s why distribution is crucial for online business success:

Increased Visibility – No matter how informative or engaging your content is, it remains invisible without distribution. Effective distribution strategies ensure your content reaches your target audience across various channels, boosting brand awareness and driving traffic to your online presence.

Targeted Reach – Gone are the days of spraying and praying with marketing tactics. Distribution allows you to target your content strategically, reaching the specific demographics and interests that align with your ideal customer profile. This laser focus ensures your message resonates with the people most likely to convert.

Building Relationships & Trust – Distributing your content on platforms where your target audience already gathers allows you to connect with them on their terms. Engaging comments, discussions, and community building around your content fosters trust and establishes you as a thought leader in your industry.

Boosting SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – Search engines like Google favor websites with high-quality, consistently published content. Effective content distribution across various channels increases the chances of your content being indexed and ranking higher in search results. This translates into organic traffic growth and potential customers discovering your business through their online searches.

Exploring the Distribution Landscape

The online world offers a diverse toolkit for content distribution. Choosing the right channels depends on your target audience, content type, and overall marketing goals. Here are some key distribution strategies to consider:

Owned Media – This refers to your core online properties – your website, blog, and social media accounts. Regularly publish high-quality content on these platforms and optimize them for search engines.

Earned Media – This is the golden ticket of content distribution – securing mentions and backlinks from reputable websites and publications in your niche. Utilize guest blogging opportunities, participate in online communities, and create content so newsworthy it attracts media attention.

Paid Media – Strategic investment in paid advertising on social media platforms, search engines, or relevant websites can significantly boost your content’s reach. Paid promotions can target specific demographics and interests, ensuring maximum visibility for your content.

Email Marketing – Building an email list allows you to nurture relationships with your audience and promote your content directly to their inboxes. Segment your audience list to personalize your messages and increase engagement.

Community Engagement – Actively participate in online communities and forums relevant to your niche. Share your expertise, answer questions, and provide valuable insights. This establishes you as a thought leader and attracts potential customers who trust your knowledge.

Building a Distribution Strategy for Success

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to content distribution. The key is to experiment, analyze data, and refine your strategy over time. Here are some tips to get you started:

Know Your Audience – Understanding your ideal customer’s online behavior patterns is essential. Where do they spend their time online? What kind of content do they engage with most? Tailor your distribution channels to their preferred platforms.

Content Variety is Key – Don’t limit yourself to just blog posts. Experiment with different content formats – infographics, videos, podcasts, or even webinars – to cater to different learning styles and preferences within your audience.

Measure and Analyze – Track your content’s performance across different channels. Use website analytics tools and social media insights to see what resonates most with your audience. This data will guide you in optimizing your distribution strategy for maximum impact.

Consistency is King – Building an online audience takes time and consistent effort. Develop a content calendar and stick to a regular publishing schedule. Consistent distribution keeps your brand top-of-mind and encourages repeat traffic.

Hot Ones Hot Sauce Brand doesn’t just sell hot sauce; they’ve created a viral phenomenon. Their YouTube show, featuring celebrities attempting to eat increasingly hot wings while answering interview questions, has garnered millions of views and a loyal following. This content perfectly complements their online store, driving traffic and brand awareness. Hot Ones also leverages social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok with behind-the-scenes glimpses, funny clips, and engaging challenges, keeping their audience hooked.

Grammarly, the online grammar and writing assistant, uses a multi-pronged distribution approach. Their website acts as a hub, offering a freemium model and educational content on grammar rules and writing tips. They leverage content marketing with blog posts tackling common writing mistakes and publish guest articles on relevant websites. Additionally, Grammarly integrates seamlessly with various writing platforms, ensuring their brand is present at the point of need for their target audience.

Remember, distribution is an ongoing process. Adapt your strategy as your business grows, new platforms emerge, and audience preferences evolve. By mastering the art of content distribution, you can unlock the true potential of your online business and connect with the customers who matter most.

“Wait! Hold it! Are you kidding me? I can’t learn all of this in 20 hours!”

You already know far more than you think.

If you can answer these 4 questions, then you are well on your way to building a six or seven figure business:

  1. What does your product or business stand for?
  2. Who is your ideal audience?
  3. What kind of content will you create?
  4. And how will you distribute that content?

Once you’ve got these 4 answers, everything else begins to fall into place, including how you will make sales, grow your business, add more revenue streams and so forth.

One last thing… remember the boy who saved his friend because no one told him he couldn’t do it?

Well, I’m here to tell you that you CAN start your 6-figure business T.O.D.A.Y.

And your first step is to get busy on those 4 questions and write down your answers before your head hits the pillow tonight.