I just read a full-blown article on sprinkles – those tiny bits of semi-edible cupcake confetti that add color and sweetness to anything.
As I’m reading the article (link below) I cannot believe there is an entire post written on this. Nor can I believe I’m reading it, and yet I am.
Because I was led to believe there’s been some crazy newfound innovations in the sprinkle industry.
Which made me think this: If something as ordinary and everyday as sprinkles can be remade, reengineered or somehow vastly improved, then isn’t that also true for pretty much anything man made?
Imagine sprinkles made with organic ingredients. Sprinkles that actually lend additional flavor to the baked goods. Sprinkles that are personalized with a person’s name or company logo. Sprinkles that add nutrition to cookies and cupcakes. Sprinkles that contain caffeine. Sprinkles that glow in the dark.
My imagination was on fire with the many sprinkle possibilities.
Now here’s my challenge for you: Take one of your favorite products, either your own product or someone else’s, and write down 20 ways it could be changed, improved, adapted, redone or completely reengineered. Think about how it works, how it’s used, the delivery system, the content and so forth. Just start writing down ideas without judgment and see what happens.
Do this once a day for 10 days and I predict your creative muscle will get measurably stronger, you’ll start to see product ideas everywhere, and at least one of those ideas will be worth a million dollars to you if you follow up on it.
Try it for yourself because you’ve got nothing got lose and a profitable new product to gain.
And if you need some inspiration, here’s that sprinkle article I promised: