Choose backend offers to increase your income. These are offers related to your membership’s subject matter.
You can insert these offers…
- Within the emails you’re going to send via autoresponder announcing each new lesson
- Solo emails sent out between lessons
- Inside the pdf lessons as full page ads
- Inside the pdf lessons inside the content
- Inside the membership site itself, if you have one.
Ensure your backend offers are highly related to the content of your membership site, and that they are high quality and truly useful to your subscribers.
To make these offers convert even better, offer “member only” discounts and time-sensitive offers.
You definitely want to sell these offers, but you don’t want to appear pushy. Your members have already demonstrated they trust you by subscribing to your site.
Recommending products to them is a natural extension of this mentor/mentee relationship you’ve established, so don’t be afraid to enthusiastically promote products that will truly help your members achieve their goals.
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